3 Mineral Mocktails by Meg Gerber of Grounded Nourishment

What’s the best way to replenish your body post-class? MINERALS.

Why? Minerals run our bodies. Everything from making energy from our food to hormone production and detox to making enzymes that help us digest our food. 

AND, we are lower in minerals than ever before thanks to our depleted soil health and high stress levels. 

Start with sodium and potassium (the recipes below each contain rich, whole food forms of each; your work is done for you!)

Minerals work in SYNERGY and therefore repleting these two first is of utmost importance for your adrenals (your stress organs). If you’re craving salt or having muscle cramps during/post class you can be SURE you are deficient. Sip on one of these asap!

A quick plug in the name of digestion:

  • Sodium is essential for optimal levels of stomach acid, which helps with protein digestion. 
  • Potassium has insulin-like effects on our cells aka it helps turn our food into energy!
Consume and reinvigorate with one of the following after class with or without a meal.  
  • ½ c 100% carrot juice
  • Juice from ½ a fresh orange 
  • 1.5 c Lime sparkling water or regular
  • Big pinch of salt
  • Optional: garnish with extra lime and fresh mint
Ground Blend or zap with a handheld frother:
Meg Gerber (RD, LD, IFNCP, CGN) is a Functional Medicine Dietitian, best-selling author, Certified Yoga Teacher and the founder of Grounded Nourishment. Meg specializes in working with motivated women who struggle with chronic digestive issues and stress. Through her own journey with Celiac disease, Meg has learned the power of going beyond the food to prioritize stress management in order to create an environment where the body can truly heal.Meg melds first-hand experience with a scientific, root-cause focused approach to gut health. Her #1 bestselling cookbook How To Glow Gluten Free is available on Amazon and her expertise has been featured on Any Question, Daily Flash TV and Authority Magazine.
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