Where do I begin? I was born on February 4th, 1992 in Newton MA….I’m kidding, I’m kidding but it is important to find out how I found myself…here. 

Growing up a ballet and modern dancer, my life revolved around the poise, structure and discipline of the dance world. Though unbelievably grateful for the creative outlet and work ethic that ballet instilled within me, I have been spending the last decade learning to unravel the more dangerous narratives of the dance world.

You aren’t thin enough

Your ribs are too broad 

Your boobs are too big 

I type the words and still feel the heat flush my cheeks. “Well, what the hell am I good enough for?”

When I began my teaching career in Boston, I began noticing the subtle glances to other people in the room. The adjusting of the leggings to cover the belly. The comparison that was written all over people’s body language without ever murmuring a word. It was as if so many were internally saying, “I’m not good enough to be here.”

That conversation doesn’t just stay inside a group fitness room. That conversation engulfs every conversation we have in our brains from what we “allow” ourselves to eat a restaurant to how many day we “should” be doing structured movement. Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt paralyzed by these rules. What if instead we just gave ourselves space to……..unravel and evolve.


This is the shift that I’m currently living in. I love feeling stronger. I’m stronger in my 30’s than I was in my 20’s and I have a whole lifetime ahead of me to be a witness to my own potential. What I continue to embody is that building strength can be sustainable, filled with pleasure and on no one’s timeline other than my own. What I continue to embody is that strength stretches far beyond our musculoskeletal system. There’s strength in softening. There’s strength in saying yes to rest. There’s strength in unraveling. 

My current environment fully supports this shift. I live in Woodstock, Vermont with my husband, Ben, and our beloved Irish Setter, River. I spend my early mornings drinking Earl Grey with milk and honey before taking River on a hike or teaching on Range. I’ve learned to be playful in the kitchen and thoroughly enjoy creating nourishing and comforting meals based on the season and what’s available. I’m a lover of antiques and enjoy filling our home with the stories of old furniture. I love a dirty martini on our front porch on a Friday night amongst friends. Most of all, I love moving in a way that is deeply supportive alongside all of you. 

If this speaks to you, continue onwards to discover the environment of Range. If it doesn’t, I respect that too. We are all living here for the first time and trying to navigate the world around us. If you’re seeking a space to unravel, evolve and rebuild, you absolutely can sit with us at the Range dinner table. 

Sending a big, spiral filled hug to you all.