Love notes

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"I can’t stop myself from sending this heartfelt thank you for Range. I’m 38, and have experienced low back issues since I was 16. Movement had always been limited to jogging to lose weight, until my back spasms started increasing in frequency, and I internalized the need to make a change. Enter : Range. After more than one year of taking your classes, I can confidently say I’ve never been this strong in my life. I feel more secure, supported and confident than ever. One week ago, I returned home from my first ever trip abroad - a hiking trip to the French Pyrenees mountains. I completed each hike without any pain - 100 percent because of Range."


"Kara has effortlessly blended art and science with Range. If you ask me, it’s absolutely essential for both the human body and spirit."


"Range is where I come when I've had a hard day and want to feel emotional release, physical support, and catharsis. I have built immense physical strength but also emotional openness through Range."


"Range -- the movement, music, and guidance -- feels like coming home to yourself again and again and again."


"I was actually thinking the other night about how lost I would be in my movement journey if Range were to cease to exist without notice. I would grieve the loss of something that has changed my life. 

It has brought joy into movement for me in a way that I've never experienced before. I feel so safe and empowered to try new things. Your classes always seem to be what my body needs, in a way that is hard to express. Since starting Range a little over a year ago, I feel more in tune with my strength and capabilities than ever before. I am so grateful to you for creating Range, and feel so lucky to have found you."


"Therapy for the body! Range has helped me feel strong, empowered, and challenged with embracing all the lovely, soft, gooey bits of myself."


"I first discovered Kara/Range at the precipice of COVID-19 when everything was spiraling out of control, and I was in desperate need of movement that made me feel grounded and in control. Many years later, here I am, still in absolute awe of what Kara is able to accomplish and inspire in her classes. As a fitness professional myself, I can't tell you how much I have learned from her attention to listening to and respecting your own body. Sometimes that means taking it at a slower pace, and other times it means picking up the pace. There is no right or wrong way of doing Range. You will always feel supported, encouraged and heard."


"I discovered Range when I was postpartum and really struggling to find movement that fit my new life, mind and body. Looking back, I'm not sure I've ever felt so connected to myself. Range has taught me to listen to my inner voice and trust the strength of my own body. It has also become my safe space when I'm struggling. I know that Kara and this community will always help to support me in moments where life feels hard or overwhelming and give me the clarity I need to move through those inevitable moments." 


"This is the first time in my life that I've actually been consistent with movement; that I've looked to workouts as self-care instead of punishment. These classes nourish both body and soul!"


"Range has shifted my body, mind and spirit in ways nothing else ever has (and I am nearly 70 years old). I started when Kara first offered an online presence and have been addicted since. It is fun, I feel seen, it is always fresh and new and wholistically satisfying. It is easy (no gear, no travel to a gym or yoga studio) and portable!"


"Range has allowed me to truly understand what my body craves and how it moves, and the result is cathartic release for the mind, body, and soul."


"I’m 2 years into Range and can’t imagine stopping. From cardio addict to Range addict, this movement style has created so much support, strength, and is movement therapy for the soul!"


"I found Range at a time where I was tired of workout classes telling me to work harder as if they knew me better than myself. Kara encourages you to ask yourself how you are feeling and to only give what you have to give that day. It has allowed me to give myself so much grace in a world of fitness that is always telling us we aren’t doing enough. And I’m feeling stronger than I’ve ever felt before, not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well."


"Structured movement hasn’t always felt welcoming to me in class format because of shame about my fitness or wondering if I fit in, but range has changed everything!!! 14. Kara not only teaches excellent movement that gets your heart rate up, but how to trust in your individual body! Strength is measured in how we can tune in and listen to what our own bodies need and then meet those needs!"
