Let's Wind Down

I’m frequently asked about nighttime routines to wind down. I personally don’t stick to a strict routine because I find that to be yet another way to pressure myself.

However, changing into something cozy and dedicating a few minutes to my skin always makes me feel like I’m washing away the day and truly taking care of myself.  

Two of my absolute favorite smaller brands for skincare and comfort are May Lindstrom and Lebon Shoppe.

May Lindstrom has created what’s called the Chocolate Box as a way to try everything out for yourself. I have no affiliation with May—I just love her products deeply.

A few of my favorites are the Clean Dirt and Jasmine Garden.

shop may lindstrom  

Again, I have no affiliation with Lebon Shoppe, I just love them so much. These balloon sweatpants and their cottage socks are like a hug you gift your lower limbs.

Fun fact: I love Lebon so much, that if you come to a future Retreat of mine you’ll be going home with socks.

Shop lebon shoppe
  I have one final piece of advice for you and this may come as a shock given my profession. Your structured movement routine can wait. It can. Range is designed to help you human better from a movement standpoint but you cannot “human” without eating good food, hydrating your body and focusing on rest. I sincerely hope we dive into the videos above as they teach us that movement does not have to be lengthy or complicated to be valuable but please, please prioritize your basic necessities first. As I said right in the beginning, time travels fast. Use that time to take care of you. I love you all and I’ll see you on Range.
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