Molly Friedman of Sandpiper Bakery

From Kara: Molly Friedman, Molly Friedman, Molly Friedman…what an absolute force. I hope you all love reading about Molly and Sandpiper Bakery as much as I did. The passion practically jumps off the page! If you ever visit Ipswich, MA, it’s simply mandatory that you go. 

Hi! Tell us about yourself. What's your cooking/baking background? How did you find yourself in Ipswich?

I grew up obsessed with food. It’s not you regular, “my grandmother taught me how to cook” story, but it was the Food Network that propelled my love of cooking.

Watching Emeril on TV while wearing my chef’s coat, waiting patiently for the Barefoot Contessa to come on, learning the science behind it all from Alton Brown, I couldn’t get enough. Sure, my mom included me in a few baking tasks and had me cracking eggs, but, sorry Mom, it was the Food Network.

From childhood I wanted a restaurant and to name it Rosemary’s because it has always been my favorite herb. To this day, if I smell rosemary, I’m immediately transported to childhood. Time went on and I went to college at UC Boulder, majored in marketing thinking I could do in house for a restaurant group, spent too much time skiing and hiking (not the worst thing), but just always felt called to a kitchen. Luckily, I lived off campus for three years and had access to a kitchen so I just cooked for my roommates all the time.

Post college I wanted to live in a “food” city, but SF and NYC were too expensive. I had a dear friend living in New Orleans and thought, hmm that sounds fun. Moved to New Orleans, worked for a food hall as their Marketing Director and just still wasn’t fulfilled.

Anyways, long story short, I dated a man from Amsterdam, moved to Europe with him for 3 months, my sister started having babies and knew it was time to go home. Started working in restaurants with zero kitchen experience and just worked my way up.

I had six part time jobs at once and just dove in. Learned as much as I could as fast as I could but just also felt so at home. It all came naturally to me, the “dance” as I call it. Kitchens are fast, hot, chaotic, organized, loud, and then it just all comes together. I love it.

One of my part time jobs was baking at Sandpiper before I was a partner. Susanne and I just clicked, she saw that I brought something to the business, offered me partnership and here we are today. Once I became partner it quickly became apparent that we needed more space. Simply, we just outgrew our space in Gloucester and moved to Ipswich.

We fell in love with the space we’re now in for the character of the building, the town itself, the outdoor space, and just saw all the potential. I’m originally from Cape Ann and wanted to badly escape it when I was younger. Isn’t that how we all feel? Now, I’m obsessed.

I feel very proud to have created a space where people can come, feel at home, and provide something that just brings them joy. Guess I’m a townie now. 

Where did the inspiration come from to name the bakery Sandpiper? 

So my business partner, Susanne, actually named it back when she started the bakery. Her and her daughter would walk Crane Beach when she was an infant and Susanne became obsessed with the bird.

It’s definitely a beautiful symbol of where we live, where our business is, and just the beach. 

What's your favorite thing to bake? Do you have a least favorite?

I never thought I wanted to be a baker, always a cook. When I moved back to the area and worked as a baker for Susanne I took the job with zero baking experience.

I was always afraid of baking, but face your fears rights Now, I understand baking. I’m not the best at it, but I get it.

I’d say my favorite thing to bake is a savory galette. I feel like it’s the perfect combo of my baking/cooking ability. Creating the perfect pie dough, coming up with the filling, and then topping them with a beautiful salad. I try to cook/eat as seasonal as possible and these galettes allow me to highlight what’s local and in season.

My least favorite thing to bake would have to be bread. I don’t have the patience. 


I know first hand that Sandpiper has scores of loyal regulars. Do you feel as though that community aspect is the fuel that keeps you going? 

Oh absolutely. I still can’t believe we have regulars. It blows my mind when I look out from behind the counter and see a line of people waiting for our food. LIKE WHAT?!

I get to go to work, do what I love, with an amazing group of people, and provide something that brings customers joy.

I mean sure, there are days when we get an angry person or someone who just doesn’t get what we do, but then I think of our regulars who get it and keep coming back for more and focus on them.

I think as any sort of creative person we are putting ourselves out there for the world to judge and critique. Those that get it, get it. If you don’t, then thank you next.

I’m proud that I know the names of more than a dozen customers, their order, their allergies, how old their kids are etc. I’ve literally been there when customers have lost a loved one or are in one day pregnant and then the next week come to Sandpiper with a newborn. I’ve watched kids grow up, try different foods, apply for a job with us once they turn 14. It’s crazy. This is why we do it.

Your profession is extremely physical. With all the long hours on your feet, what do you do to take care of yourself when you are not at the bakery? 

Oof. It is hard work. I love that I’m constantly moving. I can’t imagine sitting at a desk. That being said, my feet wake me up in the middle of the night because they’re throbbing so much.

Thank you, Kara Duval, for creating foot focused videos for us. I love taking your classes because somehow you just know what I need.

Aside from a class I’m obsessed with going for walks. I’m lucky to live in a beautiful area with accessible trails. I grew up an athlete and miss exhausting myself but I just can’t do that anymore after standing for 9+ hours a day. Walks just get me moving, clear my head, and allow me to breathe in.

Massages are also a huge part of my life. I wish people saw them as more of a necessity than a luxury. When I get a massage it is far from relaxing. It’s work. 

You're an incredible addition to the Range community. Do you have any favorite classes that you'd like to share with us? 

I remember when I took my first Range class I jumped right into an Arrow. I wanted to sweat, I wanted the loud music, I wanted to move quickly. That’s my jam.

Now, I crave a lot of the restorative slower classes like, You Deserve to Stretch and Rest, Go Ahead Hug Yourself. I absolutely love the reformer-inspired classes.

The Origin 35, Reformer Inspired Upper Body, The Foundation 45 Full Body Love are just a couple that come to mind. And, of course, Wake Me Up Feet

When you're not working, what do you like to do for fun? What's your favorite place that you've ever traveled to? 

Kara with the questions! I could talk for hours.

I’m a big family girl. I’m obsessed with my niece and nephew so I try to spend as much time with them as possible. We do family dinner every Friday which I always look forward to.

My boyfriend and I just bought our first home in Essex so lots of house projects. In the winter, we hibernate, and in the summer it’s as much time outside as possible.

We try to get on our little tin can of a boat as much as possible. I actually set a goal this morning to get on it twice a week in the upcoming season. We both just immediately relax when we’re out there. Alone or with friends, the river just takes you to a different world.

I also have a side project called Little Gem. I partnered with my friend Stacey Apple who owns Iron Ox Farm and Alexis Harwood who owns Helen’s Bottle Shop and we curate seasonal farm dinners. Sure, this is work but it’s more of a passion project and extremely fulfilling in a different way than Sandpiper.

Overall, when I’m not working I’m trying to relax as much as possible, even though it’s extremely hard for me to turn off. I’m working on it!

My favorite place I’ve traveled to would be a tie between New Zealand and Copenhagen. Traveling is a huge part of my life. I believe we should travel as much as we can, it gets us out of our comfort zone and teachers us a lot of important lessons. Plus, we get to eat amazing food. Both these places represent my two loves, the outdoors and food. 

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