Range Member, Deb Walsh

Haven’t you all been curious who is also taking class alongside you?!

Now a global platform, every month I will be highlighting a member within the Range community as a way to truly humanize each other.

Range Member, Deb Walsh of Rhode Island

Tell us a little about yourself. Where are you from? What do you do? 

I am a writer and producer. I’m interested in how people of all ages come to experience their own wisdom and how modern minds find belonging and meaning through connecting these stories. I live in a historic seaside town outside Providence Rhode Island with my husband and our black lab rescue pup Rhody. We have three adult kids, all working in the arts as musicians, songwriters, and designers. I’m a lifelong musician, pianist, composer and have been keeping journals since I was a freshman in college. 

How long have you been a Range member? 

My GPS pointed to Kara’s teaching when I mentioned to a friend that I wanted to start doing pilates again. At the time I was lifting weights and doing HIIT workouts at my gym but babying a rotator cuff injury and feeling hip/back pain from an old fall. Kelsey raved about Kara’s classes in the South End of Boston and told me to jump on the Instagram live classes she had just started in those early Covid days. It was love at first class. Here was the kind of intention, attention, deep movement knowledge, and magical Kara juju I had long been needing. Injuries healed. Quit the gym, and I joined Range on the day it launched.

I have so many faves it’s impossible to name just a few. I love the Restorative catalog and Trail Guides, and just discovered and love/hate the Foot Wakers Yamuna Ball guide. I’m a huge morning person and love waking up with the sun for our live morning classes which lead beautifully into my meditation/journaling practice before the day’s full on.

Kara often speaks of how hard we can be on ourselves and on the bodies that support and carry us through life. It’s a sentiment I know well because while today I’m a healthy and recovered woman, in my earlier life I suffered from an eating disorder and bulimia, and later, used alcohol to cope with long-unaddressed emotional trauma and anxiety.

The journey to now wasn’t easy or simple, but our bodies are wise and compassionate teachers if we listen and learn to love what they are teaching us. I’m five years sober and super grateful my body, mind, and spirit had the tenacity and good genes to endure all it has been through to arrive here happy and healthy and having fun kicking ass with you all on Range. 

Can you share a fun fact about yourself or anything else you'd like to include?

I sometimes stop to drink coffee during class when I think Kara is doing too many planks, but rationalize I’m breaking pose to avoid re-injuring my “bad shoulder.” This is largely untrue, but hey - coffee. 

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